BioCompass® | SHOCKING! How Sponge Brain Issues Can Ruin Your Life! Must Watch!
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Explore the mind-body connection and how trauma affects our actions and reactions. Watch as the brain and body struggle to process and release emotions.
// D E S C R I P T I O N
In this intriguing transcript, the concept of the “biocompass” and the mind-body connection is explored through examples of traumatic experiences and challenges. The idea of the ‘sponge brain’ and ‘sponge tissues’ is introduced, where individuals struggle with processing and releasing emotions or situations. An interesting comparison is made to a hamster storing food in its cheek pouches, highlighting how we hold onto things that we believe we need for survival.
The speaker delves into scenarios such as losing precious resources like water in a desert setting, emphasizing the body’s instinctive reactions to conserve and protect itself. Personal anecdotes, like a childhood experience of facing fear on a diving board, showcase how the brain and body can respond to perceived threats and stressors.
Moreover, the analogy of wanting to sell a home but being unable to remove the tenants living there serves as a metaphor for the internal conflicts we may face in letting go of certain attachments or beliefs. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the intricate interplay between the brain, body, and emotions, highlighting the importance of understanding and navigating our own ‘biocompass’ to achieve a sense of balance and well-being.
// C O N T R I B U T E
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// C H A P T E R S
00:00:00 – Introduction to Trauma
00:00:20 – Fear of Financial Instability
00:00:38 – Processing Difficult Information
00:01:02 – Obsessive Food Behavior
00:01:29 – Unique Food Storage Features
00:02:07 – Struggle to Dispose of Food
00:02:45 – Survival in a Desert Scenario
00:03:23 – Dealing with Water Scarcity
00:03:56 – Childhood Fear and Panic
00:04:27 – Courage and Facing Fears
00:05:04 – Struggle for Air and Survival
00:05:20 – Difficulties with Letting Go
// P L A Y L I S T S
Also check out our other video series on BioCompass® presented by Rob van Overbruggen.
// About BioCompass®
BioCompass® is a cutting edge mind-body methodology to work on your healing from physical symtoms. A clear mind-body pathway called BioCompass® where you can follow the steps to find out what themes are underlying your symptoms and disease processes. In the past this was hard to learn with metamedicine, metahealth, biodecoding or the german new medicine. Now with BioCompass it becomes much easier to learn… and free !
This information should be free, and finally is. Start diving into a awesome personal development journey with BioCompass® and hear what the body is telling you for a long time
#mindbodymedicine #biocompass #robvanoverbruggen