BioCompass® | Transform Your Life with this Transformational Solution

BioCompass® | Transform Your Life with this Transformational Solution – Say Goodbye to Your Problems for Good!
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Transform your belief system to eliminate new issues. Grow bigger than your problems through deep core transformations. Experience relief at the next level.

// D E S C R I P T I O N
In this insightful conversation, the speaker discusses the concept of biocompass and mind-body connection in achieving transformational relief from life’s challenges. By changing one’s entire belief system, new issues no longer become a problem. It’s about growing bigger than the problem itself, making it a non-issue. The example of losing a job leading to a belief that money is not needed to support oneself illustrates this shift in perspective. Cancer survivors often look back on their experience with gratitude, as it led to a deep personal transformation. This transformational advantage involves past life and future life work, creating a fertile ground for positive growth. While the process requires deep work with an experienced therapist, the end result is a stronger, happier individual ready to face any challenge with newfound resilience.

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// C H A P T E R S
00:00:00 – The Next Level of Relief
00:00:15 – A Transformational Solution
00:00:20 – Changing Your Entire Belief System
00:00:36 – Growing Bigger Than the Problem
00:00:48 – Problem Becomes a Non-Issue
00:01:03 – Changing Beliefs Behind Beliefs
00:01:17 – Money is No Longer an Issue
00:01:26 – Taking Stress Out By Changing Belief Systems
00:01:52 – Complete Transformational Experience
00:02:00 – Becoming a Stronger and Happier Person
00:02:10 – Cancer Survivors’ Perspective
00:02:17 – Past Life and Future Life Work
00:02:26 – New Seed Planted On Fertile Soil
00:02:38 – The Transformational Advantage
00:02:49 – Disadvantages and Need for Experienced Therapist

// P L A Y L I S T S
Also check out our other video series on BioCompass® presented by Rob van Overbruggen.

// About BioCompass®
BioCompass® is a cutting edge mind-body methodology to work on your healing from physical symtoms. A clear mind-body pathway called BioCompass® where you can follow the steps to find out what themes are underlying your symptoms and disease processes. In the past this was hard to learn with metamedicine, metahealth, biodecoding or the german new medicine. Now with BioCompass it becomes much easier to learn… and free !
This information should be free, and finally is. Start diving into a awesome personal development journey with BioCompass® and hear what the body is telling you for a long time


#mindbodymedicine #biocompass #robvanoverbruggen