BioCompass® | Uncover the Truth! How Perception Can Deceive – The Real Facts Revealed! Must Try Exercise!
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Discover the power of perception vs. reality in this mind-body exercise. Learn to see the truth beyond emotions and gain valuable insights. Uncover the facts!
// D E S C R I P T I O N
In this thought-provoking exercise, participants are asked to reflect on a recent argument that left them upset. They are then instructed to take a break, clear their minds, and think about happy thoughts. Upon returning to the situation, they are tasked with describing only the real, verifiable facts – the “white balloon” as opposed to their perceptions or interpretations (the “pink or blue balloon”).
By comparing their initial perception of the event with the factual description, participants gain insight into how their mind-body connection filters information and shapes their perception of reality. They are encouraged to analyze their own “glasses” through which they view the world, and distinguish between facts and interpretations.
Through this exercise, individuals are challenged to consider how their perceptions may differ from reality, and what they can learn from this experience. By delving deeply into the exercise and taking their time to reflect, participants can gain valuable insights into their own thought processes and biases. Ultimately, this exercise serves as a reminder of the power of the biocompass and mind-body connection in shaping our understanding of the world around us.
// C O N T R I B U T E
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// C H A P T E R S
00:00:00 – Introduction
00:00:13 – Exercise Description
00:00:17 – Think Back on Argument
00:00:22 – Describing the Situation
00:00:31 – Take a Break
00:00:46 – Think Happy Thoughts
00:00:52 – Describing the Real Facts
00:01:23 – Perception vs. Reality
00:01:46 – Describing the Event with Hardcore Facts
00:02:20 – Comparing Descriptions
00:02:37 – Insight on Perception
00:03:08 – Reflecting on Learnings
00:03:27 – Conclusion and Next Steps
// P L A Y L I S T S
Also check out our other video series on BioCompass® presented by Rob van Overbruggen.
// About BioCompass®
BioCompass® is a cutting edge mind-body methodology to work on your healing from physical symtoms. A clear mind-body pathway called BioCompass® where you can follow the steps to find out what themes are underlying your symptoms and disease processes. In the past this was hard to learn with metamedicine, metahealth, biodecoding or the german new medicine. Now with BioCompass it becomes much easier to learn… and free !
This information should be free, and finally is. Start diving into a awesome personal development journey with BioCompass® and hear what the body is telling you for a long time
#mindbodymedicine #biocompass #robvanoverbruggen